Are you ready for a new collection of what is going on in our schools? Read these articles and watch the videos to be brought up to speed on how crazy it is. Pray for the families and kids still in the school system. Keep loving your family and training them up in the ways of the Lord. To keep up with everything start with Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and continue through the series.
School district seeks feedback on new ‘gender combined’ sex-ed lessons
School board banishes parents from meetings by moving them online
California Teacher Fired Allegedly For Refusing To Read LGBT Books To Five-Year-Olds
Pauline Hanson compares teaching kids trans issues to paedo grooming
Carmel Clay school board cancels public comment at August 23 meeting
Rhode Island Teachers Union Sues Mom Over CRT Public Records Request
Anti-Critical Race Theory Candidates Sweep Local Board of Education Endorsements